
At CFUS, we place a strong emphasis on the development of gymnastics movements and capacity. To that end, we have a specialty gymnastics class built in to our weekly schedule that allows our members the ability to explore common movements frequently encountered in our CrossFit classes and hone their general gymnastics ability.

In our program, members will gain exposure to the following skills:

· Handstand walking

· Handstand push-ups

· Ring muscle-ups

· Bar muscle-ups

· Basic gymnastic foundations (shapes)

Sample Programming

Gymnastics: 60 - 90 minutes

Session 1

A | Skill stations
- 10 Ring row to catch position (top of ring muscle-up)
- 10 Arch/hollow on foam rollover
- 10 Kip swings on high rings

B | Practice
- Slow wall walks
- L-handstand at wall 2x20s
- Freestanding practice/kick up practice

C | Strength
- Hollow tension 3x30s
- Arch body w/pvc 3x30s
- Standing planche plates 3x30s

Session 2

A | Ring strength
In 15 min, complete 5 rounds of:
- 10 L-raises (or knee raises) hanging from high rings
- 10 Plated lat raises in arch hold
- 5-10 Turnovers on low rings (starting position on knees)

B | Warm up
- Swimmers x5r
- Plank shoulder taps with tensions x5r/arm
- Xiao-pengs x5r/dir/arm
- Hollow body rockers x20r
- Hanging hollow hold x20s

C | Handstand
- CTW planche to straight HS correction drill 3x5r
- Handstand push-up negatives plus kipping positive 3x2-4rx10s
- Seated pike leg lifts 3x10r+10s hold