
Our bread and butter - we offer a full slate of CrossFit classes here at CFUS. Our head coach, Jay Adams, meticulously crafts our weekly programming, and is responsible for cultivating growth and improvement in all our members. His knowledge and experience in the world of CrossFit make for some of the most challenging and humbling programming around, while still providing our coaching staff opportunities to help newer athletes scale movements and workouts accordingly. You can expect a lot of variation during these hour long classes — anything from mobility work, to olympic weightlifting training, to metabolic conditioning. Book a class or check out our schedule below!

(To drop in to a CrossFit class we require previous experience. For those interested in just getting started, see our on-ramp program for more details).

Sample Programming

CrossFit: 60 minutes

A | Back squat
1 x 6 @ RPE 8
2 x 4 @ RPE 8
1x 2-4 @ same weight or heavier than previous set

B | 10min AMRAP
1 - 2 - 3- 4 - 5 - etc
Dumbbell devil’s press @ 2 x 50/35

2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - etc
Dumbbell front rack lunges

35 Double-under after each round


A | 4 Intervals for reps (A1 - A2 - A1 - A2)
A1. In a 5-minute window
400m Run
18 Thruster @ 95/65
9 Bar muscle-up
Max burpee over the bar

A2. In a 5-minute window
40/30 Calorie row
18 Toes-to-bar
12 Kettlebell snatch @ 70/53
Max calorie row

Rest 2.5-minutes between intervals


A | Snatch
8 x 2, go every 90-seconds

B | 16-minute EMOM
1) Max Cal row
2) 8 Box jump over + 8 kettlebell deadlift @ 2 x 70/53 + max Wall walk
3) Max Wall ball @ 20/14
4) Rest


A | For time
800m Run
6 Rounds
5 Pull-up
10 Push-up
15 Air squat

Rest 3-minutes

B | For time
400m Run
3 Rounds
10 Pull-up
20 Push-up
30 Air squat
400m Run


A | Alternate A1/A2
A1. Bench press
4 x 5 @ RPE 8

A2. Kettlebell gorilla row
8-12/side, not alternating

B | 2 x 4-minute AMRAP
100 Double-under buy-in

AMRAP In the remaining time
5 Power clean @ 155/105
5 Front squat
5 Push jerk
5 Burpee over the bar

rest 2-minutes between AMRAPs


A | Teams of 2 - For time
10 - 20 - 30 - 20 -10
DB squat clean @ 2 x 50/35
Burpee box jump-over @ 24/20"
Dumbbell box step-over
Strict handstand push-up
